The Hidden Power of the Lotus Seed

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The lotus flower produces edible seeds which you can eat cooked or raw. Lotus seeds are harvested in August and September and then dried in the sunlight. Lotus seeds are valued for its nutritional and healing properties in Chinese medicine for thousands of years, and are used in many recipes as well as herbal formulas.

According to Dr. Subhuti Dharmananda from the Institute for Traditional Medicine, Lotus seeds are a good source of protein, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. They are also a good source of iron and zinc among trace elements included within the seeds. Lotus seeds are also low in saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol.

All lotus seeds contain the anti-aging enzyme L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase, which is believed to help repair damaged proteins, according to the Kushi Institute, a macrobiotic website. Because of this, many cosmetic companies are now finding ways to include the seeds in anti-aging blends.  According to Water Gardeners International website, lotus seeds contain kaempferol, a natural flavonoid which prevents inflammation, which also helps repair aging gum tissue.

Lotus seeds have astringent properties that have specific benefits to the kidneys, helping to restore vital energy within the body.  According to “Shen Nong Bai Cao Jing”, an ancient Chinese Herbal Book written thousands of years ago, the sweet and neutral taste of lotus seeds will help nourish the spleen and alleviate diarrhea and its calming properties have long been used to treat insomnia or restlessness. The lotus embryo, or heart of the lotus seed, benefits the heart because of its bitter and cooling properties. The bitter components are said to include the isoquinoline alkaloids, which have antispasmodic and calming effects that can help dilate blood vessels, thus reducing blood pressure.

Lotus seeds are often a vital component when combined with other herbs to create traditional formulas within Chinese medicine. Combined with Goji Berry, Jujube Dates and Dragon Eye Fruit, the health benefits of each single ingredient are doubled or tripled.


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