When casting the role of Caleb for the short film Julia, the casting director knew they needed someone who could convey confidence and charm easily. They needed someone believable in a role that could balance a character as complex as Julia. The search for Caleb was a long one, but no one seemed to fit […]

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GASP I wake up to the sound of a baby crying. I pull the pillow over my head and squeeze my eyes tightly shut like a child afraid of a bump in the night. If I pretend it’s not there, will it go away? I know what you’re thinking. “What kind of mother are you?” […]

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The role of Julia is a complex one, to say the least, and finding the perfect actress to fill that role was not something the producers and director took lightly. After spending weeks going over auditions, they finally found the one they knew could bring such a complicated character to life. Meet Lauren Laschuk. Tell […]

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There’s blood on my hands On my arms Splattered on my feet. There’s blood on my shirt… Fuck… Not this shirt. My mind is suddenly alert. Ready To act To save This goddamn shirt. Oh This shirt. It’s my favorite one. I’ve had it since college and There are tiny holes where my love for […]

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I’m suffocating. Feel it like hands around my throat, squeezing, draining the very life out of me. The thoughts never go away, they never let up. I crave peace, but it shows no mercy. A minute to feel like I can take a breath without choking. I smile, but inside I’m screaming. Can no one […]

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Another night spent on another assignment. I don’t want to go out tonight. It’s cold, dark, rainy. Kind of suits how I’m feeling about this latest assignment. Nothing about this is new, but I dread it more and more every time. I want to just ignore it, run away and forget about assignments and these […]

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Caleb looked around nervously. Julia was on her way to meet him. He had promised her a picnic on the beach, but he felt like he just might be sick from the nerves. He knew he had to tell her. Everything. But he had no idea where to even begin. This was not exactly how […]

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I never really know what to do with these things – if I’m being honest. I’ve been charmed by the concept since I was a little girl, long collecting beautiful notebooks found in random bookstores and pawn shops and Walgreens pharmacies. I’ve had stacks of them – some very official looking and leather bound, some […]

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Caleb leaned back in his chair, taking a slow sip of his cooling coffee. It wasn’t the best he ever tasted, but he wasn’t really at this crummy diner for its mediocre beverages. He surreptitiously watched her from behind the book he was pretending to read. She was no one he knew, at least not […]

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