Quit Your Day Job

I resent it when I find myself mindlessly scrolling through Facebook while in a room full of my friends. I resent it when I’m bearing witness to a beautiful view and I hear a shrill complaint about the lack of wifi because a study-abroad student can’t post their photo on Instagram. And I really resent it when my non-millennial friends tell me about the age of dating pre-tinder and how a person would actually call you to make a plan rather than message at 12am to “see if you’re out.”

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A Mime’s Birthday Party

I believe in magic. I always have and I’m quite sure I always will. I like to believe that there are fairies out there somewhere and that they just haven’t revealed themselves to me yet. I like to believe that there are enchanted forests and mystical creatures and that my letter from Hogwarts just got lost in the mail.

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Pheromones, Flesh & Freedom

There’s an intimacy that comes with having a stranger’s eyes on you as your dewy skin glistens in a barely-there dress. An unmatched sensuality in sleeping bodies intertwined on a hot night, when the difference between your sweat and mine becomes indistinguishable.

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Have Your Cake (and wine) And Eat It Too

It’s hard to talk about body image without using a slew of cliches. But the reality of the situation is that body image is a major societal issue. We have been bred to judge and criticize ourselves and one another brutally, glorifying thinness and finding offense in anything other. We tear people down for sport, for validation, for the sheer fact that it has become our initial reaction to do so.

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Rome, Connection & Good Sex Weren’t Built in A Day

The concept of instant gratification is slightly ruinous to our generation. The presence of  incessant, almost invasive technology in our lives has quite literally placed our hearts’ desires at our fingertips. And while there’s much to be said for living in the age of convenience, it seems we have forgotten that we needn’t act on every passing urge.

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Bukowski and Brynna, With (misplaced) Love

He told me how he adored me. How I was everything he wanted in a partner in crime and love; a beautiful line that has been bouncing around all the corners of my mind with sharp, painful pangs. He wanted it to be me, but it wasn’t. He left no room for interpretation or false hope.

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Anthem For the (Un)-Inspired

For people in any walk of life, inspiration is everything. When inspiration hits, it’s like all at once you turn to magic. Your senses are heightened. Your pulse is racing at a speed that should make your hands shake, but you are so sure of what you have to do that you feel no hesitation. You’ve stepped into a world that’s more vivid than the one you spend most of your days in and, if for only a moment, there are no limits. We think more deeply, question incessantly, explore fearlessly and above all, we create.

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Move Without Money – Impulse is the New Black

I can’t measure my success by my GPA or another tick mark on my lifelong tally of semesters completed. The close of another school year always meant we could say with certainty that we achieved something. We were one step closer to that seemingly far-off goal of entering the real world. But no one really told us how we were supposed to measure success once we actually entered it.

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Millennial Prose and Dating Woes

Despite an almost 20 year age difference, A and I were experiencing a very similar dating crisis. As she vented and we discussed, I found myself blurting loudly (as you do after a couple glasses of wine) “OH MY GOD. MAYBE IT NEVER GETS BETTER.” We stared at each other for a moment before cackling desperately. Ah, masochism.

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