Why is this Gamer Girl excited for Halo 5?

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Why is this Gamer Girl excited for Halo 5? After so many Halo games, some may wonder why I’m still so hyped for the new installment of Halo. I have one answer: War Zone. This new multi-player gametype seems to combine so many elements from previous halo multi-player matches, while also adding some fun new elements that are sure to make for hours of fun. The thrill of not just beating your team, but destroying their ‘bases’, while also defeating bosses and other bots that appear on your map, thrills me. LethalLady is ready, I hope you are.

Check it out here : http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/06/16/e3-2015-youre-never-bored-in-halo-5s-warzone-multiplayer