Why are dads important?

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I think society has done a pretty good job in the past of down-playing the role of dads, but with crime rates up and more broken homes than ever before, I think it’s time to celebrate the importance of a father’s role in the home and their children’s lives. It is proven that girls who have an active father-figure in the home are more likely to have better self esteem and love relationships later on in life; and boys whose father’s play a significant role are less likely to end up in prison or have trouble with the law. I think it’s important to note that being a good dad is more than contributing DNA and going home every night. It is a constant, active relationship with your children that develops, grows and changes as time goes on. It’s spending not just time, but quality time with your children, teaching, fostering good attitudes and developing good habits. We appreciate everything you good dads out there do, so here are a few more reasons that you are important and fully celebrated on this Father’s Day…